Canadian business data

A comprehensive universe of more than 1.1 million Canadian businesses
Our Canadian business database provides sales teams, researchers, technology companies, and other organizations with one of the most complete, accurate, and detailed views of businesses across Canada.
canadian businesses
One of the most complete and accurate sources for Canadian business data.

Our Canadian business database is an in-depth source of highly accurate information about businesses across Canada, making it a valuable resource for sales teams, researchers, technology companies, and many other organizations who need a complete view of the Canadian business world.

Try our business data for free
Use our data to find businesses in your market, and reach key decision makers with ease

Our database houses hundreds of data attributes about nearly every Canadian business, from small independently-owned businesses to huge corporations with many decision-makers and multiple locations.

Get continuously updated data on over a million Canadian businesses

Find the physical addresses of 1.1 million Canadian businesses, compiled from over 300 directories and verified annually by our data research team to keep our database clean and accurate.

Find the shortest path to key decision makers

Our database’s company records can help you track down key executive decision makers based on job title, location, buying groups, and over 100 other attributes, making it easier than ever to find the right person to deal with directly

Get verified and up-to-date information

Get access to phone numbers, and other useful information like company sales volume, employees count, subsidiaries, stock market information, and more.

Segment by specific details

Filter prospects strategically based on any combination of criteria to narrow down your list and create specialized campaigns for targeting specific segments of your audience to build trust and rapport effectively.

“The business data delivered by Data Axle has provided an unparalleled level of intelligence that Verizon uses to improve coverage and service. We look forward to continue using their world-class dataset to develop impactful business insights.”

Manager – Geospatial Data Science, Global Products & Solutions


Activate our Canadian data in your own way

Use Data Axle’s products to access all of the data you’re subscribed to within software that enables you and your team to prospect, research, analyze, and leverage our data in real time.

Integrate our APIs into the applications you build or tools and platforms you use to enhance them with a wealth of in-depth, real-time data that is continually verified by our research team. We offer plenty of documentation and support to make it easy, so you can connect to the data feeds you need quickly and stay focused on building a great product or developing informed business insights.

Use our pre-built integrations with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics to supplement the data you have in your customer management or sales enablement applications, making it easier to access accurate, up-to-date data while still using the software that’s the best fit for your process.

Our diverse team of data specialists can help you find the right data, set up delivery, or handle custom processing whenever you need them. We use a number of proprietary tools and processes developed to cater to our clients’ real day-to-day needs.

Equip your field teams with printed, CD, or DVD directories containing all of the latest information on businesses in your market and region when technology isn’t available or reliable.

Join over 45,000 organizations who trust us as their partner
Stay in touch! Contact us today.

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