Data Axle USA

Access powerful mailing lists and marketing functionalities

Data Axle USA is powered by industry-leading business and consumer data so you always have the most up-to-date information for your sales and marketing needs.

Reach your target audience

We offer great prospecting lists that meet any requirement you have and so much more. Granting you access to powerful data and a suite of marketing tools, Data Axle USA is designed to help you find, manage, and care for your customers as you grow your business.

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Expand your prospect reach and impact

Tried and trusted by millions of businesses, Data Axle USA helps you meet your every need now—and helps you scale your business for future growth.

Business lists
Build your business listing using search selects including type, geographic area, square feet, title of executive, and more. From new businesses to small business owners and everything in between, you can customize a list to your exact needs.
Consumer lists
Featuring information on 315 million US consumers, build your list based on new movers, households with children, and more. Then narrow it down with selections including marital status, ZIP code, pet owners, estimated household income, and more to compile your perfect list.
Marketing tools
Need an assist in finding new clients or connecting with existing ones? Our team of marketing experts can serve as an extension of your team to create and deliver effective print and digital campaigns.


Build beyond your existing customer base

Connect with customers and prospects

From start to send, Data Axle USA delivers rich targeting capabilities that help target the right people. In addition to robust prospecting, our product helps you better understand your existing customers with powerful, data-driven insights that improve your marketing reach.

Execute targeted campaigns

Catch the attention of customers and prospects quickly. With Data Axle USA, you can target, design, deliver, and even track results for your campaign.

Enrich your data

Whether you want to add missing contact information to an existing list or find out more about your existing customers, our online data enhancement tool can help.

Pinpoint your audience online

Use Data Axle USA to dial into the most relevant keyword targets to find customers and prospects as they are looking for the products and services you offer.

Extend your digital and online reach

Using Data Axle USA, reach your ideal prospects and current customers with display ads, social media ads, remarketing, and more.


Transparent and flexible pricing
Your business is unique, and so a one-size-fits-all approach just won’t work. Data Axle USA will help you navigate the list, data, and marketing needs you personally have and find a solution to fit your budget and your goals.
Contact us below or give us a call at 800.835.5856

We respect your privacy. Data Axle will use the information you provide in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You may opt-out of all marketing communications at any time.