Marketing Strategies

Omnichannel acquisition: Mastering the art of reaching your customers everywhere

The customer journey is no longer linear. In today’s hyper-connected world, the average consumer interacts with a brand across 6 touchpoints before making a purchase decision. Brands now have greater opportunities than ever to boost visibility and conversions, and they can achieve this more effectively with the right strategy. Enter omnichannel acquisition, a strategy that’s revolutionizing how companies connect with their audience.

What is omnichannel acquisition?

Omnichannel acquisition is a comprehensive marketing strategy that aims to provide a seamless and integrated customer experience across all channels and devices. Unlike multichannel marketing, which simply uses multiple channels to reach customers, omnichannel acquisition creates a cohesive, interconnected experience that allows customers to transition effortlessly between channels. The importance of this approach cannot be overstated. In an era where consumers expect personalized, consistent interactions with brands, omnichannel acquisition has become a cornerstone of successful marketing strategies.

The benefits of omnichannel acquisition

Omnichannel strategies lead to higher customer retention rates, increased customer lifetime value, and improved overall customer satisfaction. By providing a cohesive experience, brands can build stronger relationships with their audience and drive more conversions.

Enhanced customer experience
Customers can start their journey on one channel and continue it on another without any disruption, leading to a more positive perception of your brand.

Increased engagement
When customers encounter your brand across multiple platforms, they’re more likely to engage. This increased exposure and interaction can lead to stronger brand recall and loyalty.

Better data collection
Omnichannel strategies allow for more comprehensive data collection. By tracking customer interactions across various touchpoints, you can gain deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences, enabling more targeted and effective marketing efforts.

Higher conversion rates
Research shows that companies with strong omnichannel customer engagement retain on average 89% of their customers, compared to 33% for companies with weak omnichannel engagement. This increased retention often translates to higher conversion rates and, ultimately, improved ROI.1

 Customer retention rates omnichannel vs. multichannel strategies

Key components of an omnichannel acquisition strategy

1. Understanding your audience

The foundation of any successful omnichannel strategy is a deep understanding of your audience. This involves:

  • Creating detailed customer personas: Develop comprehensive profiles of your ideal customers, including their demographics, behaviors, and preferences.
  • Mapping the customer journey: Identify all potential touchpoints and understand how customers move between them.

2. Integrating channels

Channel integration is crucial for a seamless customer experience. This requires:

  • Maintaining consistency: Ensure your messaging and branding are consistent across all channels.
  • Leveraging technology: Utilize CRM systems and marketing automation tools to integrate various channels effectively.

3. Personalization

In the age of information overload, personalization is key to cutting through the noise:

  • Utilize data: Use the wealth of data you collect to personalize messages and offers.
  • Implement dynamic content: Create content that adapts based on user behavior and preferences.

4. Cross-channel campaigns

Effective omnichannel acquisition requires campaigns that work across multiple channels:

  • Design unified campaigns: Create campaigns that maintain a consistent narrative across different channels.
  • Tailor tactics: While maintaining a cohesive strategy, adapt your tactics to suit each specific channel.

Best practices for omnichannel acquisition

1. Consistent branding

Maintain a consistent brand identity across all channels:

  • Visual identity: Use consistent colors, logos, and design elements across all platforms.
  • Voice and tone: Ensure your brand’s voice remains consistent whether a customer is reading an email, browsing your website, or interacting with your social media.

2. Data-driven decisions

Let data guide your omnichannel strategy:

  • Use analytics: Regularly analyze performance data across all channels to inform your strategy.
  • Conduct A/B testing: Continuously test different elements of your campaigns to optimize performance.

3. Customer Feedback

Your customers’ voices are invaluable:

  • Collect feedback: Use surveys and reviews to gather customer opinions and experiences.
  • Adapt and improve: Use this feedback to continually refine your omnichannel approach.

4. Seamless Experience

Strive for a frictionless customer experience:

  • Focus on UX: Ensure that the user experience is smooth and intuitive across all touchpoints.
  • Intuitive UI: Design user interfaces that are easy to navigate and understand, reducing friction between customers and their conversions.

Case Studies

Finding new customer leads

A large solar company needed a strategic way to find new customers, beyond SEO and door to door prospecting/selling, that would sign up for an appointment to discuss solar and ultimately sign a contract. Data Axle employed its acquisition email service to identify prospect audiences that lived in single-family homes within their geographic footprint. Data Axle ran a 3-week campaign targeting the same audience of 5 million prospects. The campaign generated high engagement and a large volume of website traffic exceeding the client’s expectations. Data Axle was able to show the number of contracts and appointments that were attributed to the campaign. This proven success has resulted in a continued future partnership with the company.

Driving sales

A large backyard cooking appliance company wanted new ways to reach prospects during COVID-19 utilizing a small-scale budget. Data Axle recommended an acquisition email program. Data Axle created three audiences based on single-family home ownership, income/net worth, and interests, including Outdoor Living, Food & Wine Lovers, Sports Fans, and even if they identified as Italian.

Data Axle deployed a series of two emails (about 11½ weeks apart) to the same audience. A short time later, the appliance company provided a list of new customers to Data Axle to measure attribution. Using the lower end of projected sale value, it was calculated that they saw at least 20.66x ROAS.

Reactivating lapsed emails

One of the nation’s oldest and largest nonprofit organizations dedicated to medical research and the prevention and treatment of heart disease needed to grow their online database by effectively reengaging inactive/lapsed supporters while avoiding deliverability issues. The reactivation campaign included a two-part email/remail series paired with re-targeted Facebook ads to increase the number of touches and drive additional consideration and donations. They leveraged Data Axle’s Strategy team coupled with Inboxable to guide the program. The campaign resulted in increasing the active email database by 22% and improved Gmail deliverability by 100%.

Boost CPG and retail clients’ revenue

A leading provider of shopper marketing and media, who work with some of the world’s biggest retailers and CPG brands, partnered with Data Axle to boost revenue. They needed a partner to deliver email acquisition campaigns to their clients’ target audience, keep up with tight shopper marketing execution timelines, and remain abreast with email deliverability best practices.

Data Axle created a full-service email acquisition solution that addressed their unique needs and helped them meet their clients’ expectations. Over the years, the relationship has expanded to include strategic and execution support for their clients’ campaigns, spanning email acquisition, direct mail, and social media. We now provide them with consumer data, digital strategy, campaign creative, campaign analytics, omnichannel campaign execution, email acquisition, custom-built Facebook and Instagram audiences, and customer support whenever they need it.

Case study results, 800% YoY growth social media revenue, 3x the average CTR for email



Mastering omnichannel acquisition is no longer optional—it’s a necessity for businesses looking to thrive in the digital age. By creating a seamless, personalized experience across all channels, you can create a cohesive, effective omnichannel strategy that meets your potential customers wherever they are. Remember, the goal is not just to be present on multiple channels, but to create a unified, seamless experience that delights your audience at every turn. Start small, test often, and always keep your customer at the center of your strategy.
Ready to supercharge your omnichannel approach? Partner with us to accelerate your strategy!


Stephen Taunt
Stephen Taunt
Email Marketing Strategist

Stephen Taunt is an Email Marketing Strategist at Data Axle. With over a decade of data and client relations experience under his belt, he has worked within multiple industries ranging from the music business to global aviation media. In his current role, Stephen develops targeted and personalized email marketing strategies that optimize engagement, conversion, and customer retention, while closely monitoring key performance indicators to drive measurable success for clients.