Marketing Strategies

Mastering a generation: marketing strategies to captivate Gen Z

Welcome to the age of Gen Z – a generation of digital natives who have redefined how we think about connection, engagement, and consumption. Born between the mid-1990s and mid-2010s, Gen Z wields a staggering $360 billion in purchasing power1, and they’re influencers in reshaping the landscape of marketing. With this cohort, traditional sales pitches don’t cut it. They demand authenticity, purpose, and an engaging digital experience. So, how can marketers effectively reach and resonate with this savvy and socially conscious group?

Stats: the Gen Z landscape

  • $360 billion: Estimated purchasing power of Gen Z in the US2
  • 1.3 seconds: Average active attention span – the shortest of any generation3
  • 91%: Prefer personalized experiences tailored to their interests4
  • 62%: Favor comedic short-form content5

Edging out rivals with a winning Gen Z marketing strategy

1. Meet them where they are: engage on socials

Gen Z has been immersed in technology since day one. They’re fluent in social media, apps, and all things digital. To connect, meet them on their turf. Think Instagram reels, TikTok trends, and Snapchat stories – routes that favor their shorter attention spans.


Case Study: Fenty Beauty

Fenty Beauty’s #TheNextFentyFace fully capitalized on engaging their audience by offering promotion opportunities on two different fronts. Followers were encouraged to post TikToks with the campaign’s hashtag and tagging Fenty Beauty, with the goal of finding a new model for their 2023 lineup. Ultimately, this dual purpose campaign offered participants the chance to win a plethora of Fenty products, while also amplifying Fenty’s reach.

2. Be real: authenticity is your superpower

Gen Z sees right through polished pitches and corporate jargon. They seek genuine, personalized connections where brands engage with them directly, not just broadcast messages.

According to a recent Forrester’s Technographics study, “nearly a third of Gen Z say that they unfollow, hide, or block brands on social media – at least weekly.” This underscores the importance of relationships rooted in trust for Gen Z if brands want to truly resonate.

3. Align with values: purpose drives loyalty

Gen Z is the “conscience generation.” They want brands that reflect their values and make a positive impact. Your mission should resonate with their desire for progressive change.


Case Study: Dove – Turn Your Back

With media outlets ubiquitous coverage of TikTok’s new “Bold Glamour Filter” in 2023, Dove saw an opportunity. By mobilizing a widespread movement against the harmful effects of the AI-generated filter, Dove not only engages Gen Z in a meaningful dialogue, but also encourages them to take a stand for progressive change in digital media.

4. Entertainment matters: engaging Gen Z with humor

Entertainment is crucial – Gen Z gravitates towards content that’s not just informative but also fun and engaging. They love humor, positivity, and anything that makes them laugh or feel good.


Case Study: Scrub Daddy

“Sowwy, can’t help it,” Scrub Daddy writes under a TikTok with 4.3 million views – an unbashful apology for their entirely unsantized marketing approach. Though bold, Scrub Daddy has created engaging and funny content, seamlessly fitting into the TikTok feeds of Gen Z viewers.

5. Stay fresh: capturing Gen Z’s attention with the latest trends

Gen Z is all about what’s new and what’s next. They thrive on the latest trends and love to be in the know. Keep your finger on the pulse of what’s hot to capture their fleeting attention.


Case Study: Kylie Cosmetics

Kylie Cosmetics, led by Kylie Jenner, utilizes its substantial Instagram following (21 million followers) to pioneer trends like using cosmetic Instagram filters for virtual try-ons and sharing. The brand prioritizes customer engagement through active interaction in comments to foster loyalty and gather product feedback. This strategy highlights their commitment to personalized experiences and rigorous measurement of digital marketing metrics to enhance trust and loyalty among fans.


Reaching Gen Z effectively goes beyond grabbing their attention; it’s about building genuine connections. This generation values authenticity, purpose, and engaging content. They’re quick to embrace and influence trends, expecting brands to keep pace. By adopting these strategies, you can form meaningful relationships with Gen Z, fostering long-term loyalty and brand advocacy.

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Olivia Justice
Olivia Justice
Marketing and Research Assistant Intern

Data Axle Olivia is a rising senior at Boston College from West Chester, PA. This summer, she is a Marketing and Research Assistant Intern at Data Axle, where she collaborates on creating product and sales content, conducts research, and generates ideas for various content formats. Outside of work, Olivia enjoys cooking, running, creating oil pastel art, and practicing hot yoga.