Start finding new customers to reach with targeted direct mail, email, and digital marketing campaigns.

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The Original Data Provider Since 1972
Data Quality
- We make over 24 million calls each year to gather and verify valuable information
- 2 million+ data updates monthly
Research Team
- Over 300, dedicated full-time researchers
- 132,000-square-feet database center
Data Sources
Our business databases are built from:
- Over 4,000 phone directories
- Over 350 new business sources
Our consumer databases are built from over 100 different sources, including:
- Real estate & tax assessments
- Voter registration files
- Utility connects and more

Restaurants | Apparel & Accessories | Automotive Dealers
Insurance & Real Estate

Banks | Real Estate Brokerages | Insurance Agencies

Doctors | Nurses | Dentists

Affiliation | Denominations | Ministries
Ready to Find New Customers?
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The trusted partner for over 100,000 businesses

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
We believe in making things right
No data is perfect, but our guarantee might just be. You’ll receive a full refund for any portion of your list that’s undeliverable, out of date, or disconnected. Plus, if the percentage of bad data exceeds 8%, you’ll get $0.40 for every bad record beyond that percentage.
Returned mail must be postmarked within 90 days of purchase. Only one refund allowed per purchase. Lists purchased for fax and email purposes are not covered. We have the right to verify that the data was purchased from Refund payments will not be made in excess of the original list purchase. Mail pieces refused by the addressee that contain accurate addresses are not covered. Only U.S. Business, U.S. Consumer, New Business, New Mover, New Homeowners, Canadian Business databases are covered. Lists not compiled by Data Axle or that contain third-party and brokered data are not covered; these include, but are not limited to: Nurses, Fleet Owners & Operators, Executives by Ethnicity, Boat Owners, College Students, High School Students, Magazine Subscribers, Military Veterans, Motorcycle Owners, Newborns & Prenatal, Occupant/Saturation Lists, RV Owners, and Teachers. Guarantee is offered for a limited time only and can be ended or modified without further notice.